How To Use This Book List

Many of the books here are written for young adults. However, some are definitely adult books. I don't always specify in my comments; however if you are interested in a book, find it at the library. If it's in Juvenile Fiction or Young Adult Fiction, it's usually safe for kids 12-15 (be sure to preview just in case). If the book is found elsewhere, you can always ask a librarian for their input.
Personally, a few swear words don't do much for me, so I don't usually remember they are in there. Other types of content, however, are usually commented on.

p.s. Please leave a "care-to-share" (aka, comment) anytime you like.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Book Club? anyone....(chirp chirp)...

I think I might be ready to be part of a book club. Something small, 5-6 people. And not SO serious it's not fun, but serious enough to finish the book and discuss a little. I'm not one to analyze this and that in a book, but it might be interesting to get another insight into the story - maybe something I hadn't thought of.
If you are interested, please leave a comment and I'll see what comes of it...also, leave a title or two (or three...) you'd like to read. I'm game for most anything!!


  1. ME. melissa b.

    I'd like to read any of the following:
    The Book Thief
    Mockingjay (when it comes out)
    Pride and Prejudice

  2. If I thought I could actually read three books a month- I'd join up! But I already do two book clubs. Sorry. I hope you find a group because it is always a good night out! (And I'm not in charge of my groups to extend an invitation or I would totally invite you to mine. sorry.)
