How To Use This Book List

Many of the books here are written for young adults. However, some are definitely adult books. I don't always specify in my comments; however if you are interested in a book, find it at the library. If it's in Juvenile Fiction or Young Adult Fiction, it's usually safe for kids 12-15 (be sure to preview just in case). If the book is found elsewhere, you can always ask a librarian for their input.
Personally, a few swear words don't do much for me, so I don't usually remember they are in there. Other types of content, however, are usually commented on.

p.s. Please leave a "care-to-share" (aka, comment) anytime you like.

Monday, March 8, 2010

OKAY. . .

Alright. I know you are reading this blog...but only because you've told me in person. No one has left a single comment...I was starting to think I was the only one reading it.

SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOoooooo - here's what to do:

If you have read any part of this blog, leave a comment to let me know what you think.
If you've read the book, let me know what you thought of it. If you haven't read the book, but are interested, tell me so. If you don't read, tell me that. Tell me one of your favorite I can read it, too!

Thanks...keep your nose in a book and keep a book on the back of your toilet (best place to read!).


  1. I like your new blog idea--im always looking for a good book. My latests are
    Guernsy literary and potato peel pie society
    Time travelers wife
    The book thief {great book!}
    and I am currently reading pride and prejudice for the FIRST time {crazy, i's about TIME!}

  2. THANKS Rach!! I haven't read Pride and Prejudice, either - but I LOVE the movie!

  3. Okay- I did some catch up on your past reviews. Let me use this post to comment on some books in your want to read list.

    A Thousand Splendid Suns- a hard topic with some harsh scenes but SO worth reading!! I loved it. I thought it was better than The Kite Runner, though that is also a good book, just with a really hard topic and a couple of graphic scenes.

    Bonesetter's Daughter and The Hundred Secret Senses are both on my list to read after being recommended by friends- The Hundred Secret Senses is on my table so I'll let you know when I finish.

    Poisonwood Bible was not my favorite, but I was one of the few who didn't LOVE it in my book club.

    Pride and Prejudice is worth the work. And for a fun twist- Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is on my table too! Supposedly the original text with added text to introduce the zombie element.

    The Book Thief is a MUST READ! I also enjoyed, though not as much because of bad language, I am the Messenger by the same author.

    The Devil in the White City is SO fascinating. I guess it is not for everyone- after all, it is about America's first serial killer. But the setting is amazing and I loved all I learned about the World's Fair in Chicago!! And the story is compelling and well told- it is all from actual documents and letters but told in a narrative. I loved it and want to read several others by Erik Larson!

    Guernsey is a fabulous read! FABULOUS!

    The Help was also excellent. I have it if you'd like to borrow it.

    You need to add marks for explicit content to Water for Elephants. The setting and story were so interesting and I wanted to love it, so it was really disturbing to have two scenes that I would call pornographic and that ruined the book. I don't recommend the book because of it.

    I'll think about what I could recommend...

    I noticed your friend was reading The Time Traveler's Wife- I like that one a lot. It has some explicit scenes that ruined it for Kelly, but I guess I'm less sensitive because I enjoyed the book.
