How To Use This Book List

Many of the books here are written for young adults. However, some are definitely adult books. I don't always specify in my comments; however if you are interested in a book, find it at the library. If it's in Juvenile Fiction or Young Adult Fiction, it's usually safe for kids 12-15 (be sure to preview just in case). If the book is found elsewhere, you can always ask a librarian for their input.
Personally, a few swear words don't do much for me, so I don't usually remember they are in there. Other types of content, however, are usually commented on.

p.s. Please leave a "care-to-share" (aka, comment) anytime you like.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Host

by Stephenie Meyer

I needed to find a book that I knew I would enjoy; a familiar story that hadn't become monotonous. So, I started the Host again last week. We drove to Las Vegas and back over the weekend, so I had plenty of time to read (between starting videos and handing drinks and snacks to the back seat). Anyway, I really enjoy Meyer's writing.
A human is one of a handful left after alien invasion. She is taken over, but hasn't lost herself...her story of living is such a tale of being a strong spirit. I love the details and tidbits that make this story complete. It is, understandably, not a quick read; but captivating, nonetheless.
This book is one of a very few adult books that I have read more than once and will likely read again.

Although it is science fiction, it doesn't seem so far-fetched and unlikely that I have to learn a completely knew vocabulary. I LOVE this book!!

clean and safe for teen +


  1. I keep trying to read it but can't get past the first 30 or so pages each time I start! Ugh! Everyone says it's good...but I need help getting past the beginning ha ha. I even took it to the cabin last Saturday for our "Girl's Day"...I didn't read one page :/

  2. I was so mad about Breaking Dawn that I gave up on Meyers. Maybe I'll give this one a try, but I have reservations.

  3. The beginning was hard for me, but then I became enthralled with it!
