How To Use This Book List

Many of the books here are written for young adults. However, some are definitely adult books. I don't always specify in my comments; however if you are interested in a book, find it at the library. If it's in Juvenile Fiction or Young Adult Fiction, it's usually safe for kids 12-15 (be sure to preview just in case). If the book is found elsewhere, you can always ask a librarian for their input.
Personally, a few swear words don't do much for me, so I don't usually remember they are in there. Other types of content, however, are usually commented on.

p.s. Please leave a "care-to-share" (aka, comment) anytime you like.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rebel Angels

by Libba Bray

Finally...I'm done. Although it took me for-e-ver to finish. I liked it! I put the book down at 11:30 PM and Seriously considered starting the last of the trilogy right then. Alas, I didn't.

I would say that part of the reason I enjoyed the book was the time period it takes place - turn of the century (1900), England. Electricity is just being introduced. I love the "Society"-life books of that time. If you're not into being hopeful and trying to better yourself and others, please don't read this.

I just started "The Bonesetter's Daughter" - I'll keep you posted.



  1. It sounds like an interesting time period but alas, I'm not into being hopeful- more of a Negative Nancy, so I guess I'll have to pass on this one. ;)

    Dying to know about The Bonesetter's Daughter!

  2. Hey another good book is A little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I thought it was really interesting and touching as well.
